Thursday 27 June 2024

GR11 Day 22, Puen de San Chaime to Refugio de Cap de Lauset

June 26 

A warm morning with thunderstorms forecast for midday.

There is a gravel road up the Vale de Vallibierna, with a bus service that could take you well up into the hills if you were feeling lazy. It's a fine big lump of a 4X4 bus.
Bus coming down the track
Walking up through the trees was good as there was no wind but the trees gave some shade.
After the treeline, and bus stop, the going got steeper and it started to get very warm. there were great views though.
Two high lakes, 2500m, were passed with some difficulty through awkward boulder fields, there was still some ice in the first one (no I didn't have a swim).
The way up
The clouds started to build and look threatening for a while but the thunderstorm never appeared, it did help with the temperature though.
Up through relatively easy snowfields to the Collado de Ballibierna, my highest point so far at 2732 meters. The descent was through boulders and snow and rather slow.
And down
The Refugio came into sight, an amazing looking building in the boulder fields.
The Refugio 
The Guidebook said that I had just crossed one of the toughest passes on the GR11 and survived!

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