Monday 24 June 2024

GR11 Day 19 Refugio de Lafarri to Parzan

 23rd June

A windy night with light drizzle coming over the mountains but the wind dried it almost instantly.

Looking back to the campsite in the morning 
It was quite cold as I set off up the hill wearing a fleece and jacket. I met a teacher of English who told me that the weather was very un-Spanish and it should be summer, this temperature suits me much better.
That's where I came down yesterday 
The route climbs up and meets a gravel track that leads to a beautiful 'hidden' valley before climbing to the coll at Las Coronetas.
The hidden valley 
From there a steepish descent takes you to a small car park at the end of a long gravel road down to Chisagues.
Down to the track end and car park 
Chisagues is now just some new holiday homes but you can still see some of the old houses.
A series of zigzags on the now tarmac road and I arrived in Parzan. 
Coming down to Parzan
Parzan is a tiny place with large supermarkets on a border crossing road, the drink being cheaper in Spain than France.
A good restaurant and an interesting conversation with Tim, a young Spanish/French hiker who was walking ths HRP from the east. Followed by a comfy bed, what more could you ask for?
On my balcony 

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