Sunday, 9 June 2024

GR 11 Day 4, Elizondro to Sorogain

 8th June

A misty start to the day but it soon cleared until the clouds came in in the early afternoon.

The hostel was good, only one other person in my 8 bed room. Their idea of breakfast was coffee, orange juice and toast, not very exciting but it did only cost 3.70.
Typical barn
A steep climb out of Elizondro into the cloud passing one of the many barns.
The sun soon burnt off the cloud as I climbed through beechwoods and bracken covered hillsides accompanied by vultures, did they think I might make a tasty treat?
The route follows the Spanish/French border fence for a while. I spoke to a French horse in my best scoolboy french but it didn't understand me anymore than the Spanish horses.
A French horse ignoring me.
 Note the bell around it's neck.
The cloud rolled in as I crossed the Collada Bustalmorro (1170m) before descending through more beechwood to Puerto de Urkaiago which is a minor road crossing into France and still 3000ft high.
The border fence
The cloud started to produce a little drizzle as I climbed up through the forest on the other side until at the Collado Aratun (1212m) visibility was only twenty meters.
A steep descent through ghostly beechwood 
Steeply down through more of the ubiquitous beech woods until I found a decent place to camp in the trees near the stream.
It almost started to rain as I put the tent up but it fizzled out again. Better than the forecast thunderstorms. That could happen yet!

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