Wednesday 10 July 2024

GR 11 Day 35 Riu de Vallcivera to Camping Pirineus

 9th July

A different sort of day today,  first it started downhill for a change after a good night's sleep, there were a few drops of rain overnight but the day was dry.

Morning view
As I started the climb on the other side, it wasn't that different! it clouded over and the wind picked up.
A group building a bridge 
By the time I reached the Portella d'Engorgs, 2680 meters, and sat down for a breather with Sebastian, a German GR11 hiker who had passed me on the way up, it was definitely Scottish weather. sheltering behind a boulder and only stopping until you couldn't feel your fingers.
Looking back to the pass
There was a small snow wreath to negotiate, I bypassed it on some steep scree, otherwise no sign of snow.
A straightforward descent followed by a path that contoured round to the Refugi de Malniu.
Looking back to the Refugi
I had planned to stop at the campsite here but it was far too early and the weather was good, the sun had come out and the wind eased, so I decided to carry on down to Camping Pirineus.
The way down, note lack of shade.
It was nearly all downhill but the lower I went the hotter it got until at the campsite it was 26°, I was glad to stop!
Church at Guils de Cerdanya
Another good campsite. I was tempted by the swimming pool but by the time I had showered, sorted the tent etc it was too late.
El Tejido checking the site before leaving.
Temperature still 22° at 21.20.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blimey! hot hot and not a tree to hide under =/ Nessie xx