Tuesday 9 July 2024

GR11 Day 34. Encamp to Riu de Vallcivera

8th July.

Not too hot today, in the afternoon it turned cloudy and there was a good breeze.

It was what has become a 'normal' start to the day, climbing steeply away from the town in the woods.
Escaping 'civilization'
It was quite a long time before the sound of traffic and construction work was left behind.
All abilities tourist trail 
The GR11 uses some tourist trails here and it was good to be walking on a smooth level track until it turned up through the trees again.
Terraced field
It's difficult to take interesting pictures in the trees but it was a very pleasant walk which turned up the Riu Madriu valley and followed it to the top.
Near the top of the Riu Madriu 
Almost at the top is the Refugio de I'Illa, very smart and modern, it only opened in 2017.
Refugio de I'Illa
I called in for a drink and a bit of cake before heading up to the dam and over the Coll de Vall Civera (2550 meters) and steeply down the other side to find somewhere to put the tent.

The Andoran Spanish border 
Loads of cows on this side, Spain again, and the bells sound like several village churches competing.

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