Sunday, 28 July 2024

Carnac 28th July

28th July 

Beautiful morning but it was threatening to get hotter. Had a walk around the Jardin des Plantes while waiting for the train, every plant, shrub and tree is labelled. Ideal for an ignoramus like me.

Jardin des Plantes in Nantes 
The train was perfectly on time and so was the connection, surely we could do the same?
Train on time at Nantes

10.36 train arriving at 10.36
Walked to the hotel I was staying at in Auray to see if I could leave my rucksack, no problem the room was actually ready.
The walk from station to hotel included a couple of nice paths
There was a snag, as usual, by the time I walked back to the station the bus had just left. Auray is one of those non places that just spreads out between the railway and a main road with nothing to look at.
Plenty of rails at Auray 
The bus was late leaving and even the kamikaze driver couldn't make up the time but it was only a short walk to the  "Maison des Mégalithes"  where I had a tour booked.
The tour group 
The stones are fenced off and accessible only with a guided tour, a bit of a waste really as we were only told, in a roundabout way, that they don't have a clue how or why they are there, but it did allow access.

Fascinating! But how can they be sure it's not a showroom for Obelix's menhir delivery service?

The bus back was on time and had a much more relaxed driver.
Marina at La Trinite-sur-Mer through the, tinted, bus window 
There was a Lidl near the motel but shut so I had to hunt for dinner, it was looking bad for a while and I nearly had to go to McDonald's, but it worked out alright in the end.
I had to check out the church for my evening constitutional, surprisingly plain for a Catholic Church.
Aurey church 


Anonymous said...

I was disappointed with the monument at Carnac,- I remember Avebury and (our own local) Pentre Ifan. Andy

Roger B said...

I agree, especially having been to Orkney last year.