Friday, 9 June 2023

Day one hundred - Tarbert to Ellery

 8th June.

The day started overcast and windy but brightened into a perfect walking day.

East Loch Tarbert.
A walk through the town and across the narrow isthmus to West Loch Tarbert before turning up through the forest.

An Osprey was flying by overhead, probably nesting nearby.

There was a pathless bit over top and back down to the forest on the other side.
Where I was welcomed by some fine Highland cows.
Down to Loch Caolisport and some beautiful dragonflies.
Round the head of the Loch and down the other side, I know that rhododendron is an invasive weed but it is beautiful.
Up the hill past Ellery House to two little water lilly lochans and a spot where the tussock grass had been cut that made a perfect pitch.
The site was sheltered from the strong wind but there was enough to keep the midges away and the sun went behind the hill at 9 pm, totally relaxed in the tent, perfect!

Just found out how to put a map on!

21 miles walked 1000 meters ascent.

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