Thursday, 16 March 2023

Day fifteen - Landkey to Hoareoak Water

 Today started well, good walking on lanes and tiny roads. Realised that I should have done some shopping in Barnstaple yesterday but I couldn't face the huge Asda or Lidl I walked past, so as there no shops today l will have to make a detour tomorrow.

Banksy gets everywhere

Up onto Exmoor and the weather changed, into the cloud, wind and rain. I got wetter and wetter and at Exe head, where, if the weather had been better I could have camped, it was totally miserable.

Path down from Exe Head

There was a good path heading north, away from the wind and down a steep valley, so down I trotted and found the best truly wild campsite so far. A river for drinking water, a couple of ponies for company and no-one anywhere near me.
The only problem was wet lighters, l thought for a while it would be cous cous made with cold water for dinner, thank goodness they dried out.

19 miles walked 1000 meters ascent

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