Thursday 16 May 2024

Day 7 Dalmigavie to Rhilean Burn

 15th May

A beautiful sunny morning and it stayed that way all day.

Church by the River
Said goodbye to all the birds who serenaded me last night, especially the Lapwings, Curlews and Snipe.
The mole-catchers art
Track and road to Tomatin and the big community centre where unfortunately the cafe hasn't reopened but the shop sells tea, cakes and sandwiches. The showers are free and they had kept a food parcel for me, an excellent place!
Tomatin Railway viaduct 
I had to walk a section of the cycle path by the A9 out of Tomatin and came across a man taking photos of passing trucks, he has been doing it for the last thirty years and didn't have an anorak, but it was a warm day. Turned out that he knows one of my neighbours.
Tomatin Community centre 
A minor road that changed to a track goes to the river crossing at Shenachie, unfortunately the crossing 'bucket' had been hooked on the far side so I had to go back along the riverbank to the ford, the water was below knee level.

Ropeway (bucket bridge)
Followed the river on a track for a few miles before taking to the hills again on a detour over to the Rhilean Burn. There are a lot of new wind-farm tracks now with bridges to avoid the potentially difficult fords.
Lots of tracks
Plenty of good camping spots and a nice sunny evening.
No need to use the ford here

Nice sunny evening

20 miles walked 650 meters ascent

20 miles walked 650 meters ascent

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