Saturday 6 July 2024

GR11 Day 32 Arinsal to la Cortinada

 6th July

Very short day today because of the weather forecast. Yesterday they were giving thunderstorms starting at about 11.00 and I thought I would just go over the hill and maybe get to la Cortinada without getting too wet but there was a reprieve in the mornings forecast, The storm is now not due to start until 15.00.

Started the day uphill as usual this time climbing the switchback road out of Arinsal before reaching the forest path to climb to  the Coll de Cases.
Climbing the road above Arinsal 
It was surprisingly dry after last night's thunderstorm and the temperature reasonable.
The trees have been thinned and the logs left against the trees so they don't roll down the slope
Soon after crossing the Coll, only 1954  meters, there was some lightning and it started raining enough for me to get out the jacket.
View from the coll
Five minutes later I was taking the jacket off again as the sun had come out. False alarm.
Down through some fine old trees
The descent was easier than the other side as the path went easily down in a series of zigzags to Arans.

La Cortinada 
This isn't a route to anywhere in particular and it is surprising that there are as many hotels here, it isn't even a ski area.
As I was expecting the storm to hit earlier I had time to catch up with E-mails and things before I could check in to the hotel that I had booked to keep out of the rain tonight.
La Cortinada
The real storm arrived about 15.30, not bad forecast accuracy.
La Cortinada 

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