Friday 5 July 2024

GR11 Day 30 Areu to Estany de Baiau

 4th July

The day started well, it was cool and shaded in the valley and the climb up through the trees gave some shade as the sun rose.

Up the valley 
I didn't need the extra climb up to the Refugi de Vallferrera but I fancied a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich.
Refugi de Vallferrera 
Back down to the main route and out of the woods into an open valley which climbs steadily above the river past some excellent campsites, with the restriction that you can only camp between 20.00 and 08.00 above 2000 metres in a national park.
Beautiful valley 
The Refugi de Baiau looked interesting, a purpose built bothy tied down to the rocks high in the valley.
Refugi de Baiau 
This was my target for today but when I got there it was full of kids who appeared to be staying. 
Estany de Baiau 
Dropping down from the Refugi there is a beautiful lake and I found a good campsite beside it, 2500 meters.
Camp by the Estany de Baiau 
Tomorrow's climb up to the Portella de Baiau and the Andoran border looks rather brutal!
The route up to the Portella de Baiau 
Sort of obeying the rules I didn't put my tent up too early so sat in the sun for a while until that got too much, dangled my feet in the lake for about two minutes until I couldn't feel them then climbed up a bit to find some shade and write this.
A magical spot, I was glad the Refugi was full

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful spot to camp =) nessie xx