Saturday, 8 April 2023

Day thirty eight - St Clears to Telphyn

6th April.

 It was a bright sunny day when Andy took me back to St Clears to resume the walk.

St Clears Town Hall
There was a lot of walking beside the road in the morning, not on the road but sometimes just behind the hedge.
Laugharne Castle 
Dylan's 'birthday walk' through the woods was a delight with views over the estuary and three different butterflies seen, peacock, small tortoiseshell and speckled wood.
The walk from Pendine onwards is reminiscent of the South West Coast Path with lots of ups and downs over the cliffs. The spot I had noted on the map as a possible camp was perfect, just a pity that others had been there before with a camp fire, why?

My new bright red shoes have greatly improved after a few muddy paths, don't draw attention anymore.

15 miles walked 700 meters ascent.

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