Monday, 3 February 2025

GR 221 Day 4, Mon 3rd Feb

Mon 3rd Feb

A beautiful morning and a good breakfast in the hostal. Wandered out to see the village to be met with crowds of wrinklies being discharged from coaches.Decided it was enough to watch from a café table with a cup of coffee before starting today's walk.

Good views back to Valdemossa before climbing steeply up through a heavily wooded valley. The guide book said that this section wasn't way marked, but it is, and on a slightly different route! Very confusing.
Cliff scenery 
Some incredible views of the cliffs on the way up, and then a very well built path.
Gate and high stile on the path
Up through the olives
I made a detour to climb Puig des Trix, 1064 meters, well worth it for the view and the exercise! You have to go over a padlocked style with large 'Private' notices that everyone appears to ignore.
View from the top 
It was very windy on the top and on the path that continues along the ridge over a couple of other tops.
Well built path along the ridge
The descent of the Cingles de So Rul.Ian looks impossible from above, and below, but the path manages to thread a way around and under the stupendous cliffs through the olive trees to reach the pine forest below, amazing.
Looking down to Deia

On the way down, scaffolding bridge to cross a rockfall.

How did I get down that?

Refugi Can Boi

An excellent refugi for the night.

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